Infrastructure planning · commercial & contracting strategies · training
Policy & Publications
The following publications and papers, listed in chronological order, resulted from policy, guideline and research projects that Nick has led and has had a substantial role in their authorship.
Infrastructure - alternative funding models and productivity
Department of Treasury and Finance Victoria 2013-14

Nick was project director over 2013 and 2014 of this major Department of Treasury and Finance initiative on value capture for funding transport projects. This involved a large multi-disciplinary advisory team and extensive engagement with many stakeholders. The resulting draft Treasury report (cabinet-in-confidence) comprehensively explored the opportunities for value capture as a significant funding source, as well as detailed implementation pathways. A detailed ‘proof-of-concept’ business case for a hypothetical transport project was also produced.
Department of Treasury and Finance Victoria 2014
In 2014 Nick led the development of a productivity metrics framework for application during construction. It guides a client on measuring selected productivity rates; and using a contractor’s track record on productivity performance in the tender selection criteria for future projects.

Infrastructure contracting strategies

Department of Treasury and Finance Victoria 2012
Nick took a lead in investigating the value of introducing real option thinking in investment planning, appraisal and management of select infrastructure projects. He promoted the concept and opportunity of real option thinking to departments and agencies through workshops and presentations. (Supporting guidelines were published in 2012.)
National based research and publications
As founder and chair of the Inter-jurisdictional Steering Committee for Alliance and Traditional Contracting (drawing membership from the Treasuries of WA, QLD and NSW, and the Commonwealth Department of Transport and Infrastructure), Nick led the research effort and development of documentation supporting reform of infrastructure contracting on a national basis. The work was characterised by intensive engagement with stakeholders in multiple jurisdictions to achieve difficult but necessary outcomes.
In the case of alliancing, this work had a significant positive impact and fundamentally reformed the practice of alliancing in Australia (at that time the entrenched ‘alliancing industry’ had delivered some $70 billion of projects over 2004-2011).
Following a study trip to London in 2012, Nick and Dr Peter Wood (then Managing Director of Evans & Peck), were invited by the Institute of Civil Engineers to document the Australian experience with alliance contracting.
Tamburro N and Wood, P (2013) Alliancing in Australia; competing for thought leadership, Management, Procurement and Law, Institute of Civil Engineers, London, UK.

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Alliancing in Australia - competing for thought leadership Tamburro & Wood 2013.pdf Size : 720.654 Kb Type : pdf |
National Framework for Traditional Contracting
The documentation for the National Framework for Traditional Contracting was preceded by extensive research with stakeholders and the publication of a consultation paper by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Transport. It's a best practice framework, providing a resource that individual jurisdictions can use to inform their own policy and guideline development for traditional contracting of infrastructure. (The documentation can be found at:

National Framework for Traditional Contracting of Infrastructure (Final drafts, April 2013)
Guide: Good Practice and Commercial Principles
Topic Specific Guide 1: Project Definition and Tendering
Topic Specific Guide 2: Development of Project Budgets in Business Cases
Topic Specific Guide 3: Governance and contract management
Topic Specific Guide 4: Performance and continuous improvement

During 2011, a national research effort was undertaken on the Design & Construct (D&C) tender strategies used in infrastructure projects. (The documentation can be found at: )
Towards Agreed Expectations – tender strategies to improve design and
construct infrastructure delivery outcomes,
Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australian Government, June 2012
National Alliance Contracting Policy and Guidelines
During 2009 and 2010 the Inter-Jurisdictional Alliancing Steering Committee (as it was then known) sponsored the Victorian Treasury to undertake this major effort for the preparation of new policy and guidance material for alliance contracting. This work had a significant positive impact, and fundamentally reformed the practice of alliancing in Australia.
(The documentation can be found at )

National Alliance Contracting Policy and Guidelines, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australian Government, 2011. (Inter- Jurisdictional version published in 2010)
Policy Principles (mandatory)
Guide to Alliance Contracting
Guidance Note 1: Language in Alliance Contracting
Guidance Note 2: Insurance in Alliance Contracting
Guidance Note 3: Key Risk Areas and Trade Offs
Guidance Note 4: Reporting VFM Outcomes
Guidance Note 5: Developing the TOC in Alliance Contracting
Guidance Note 6: ECI and Other Collaborative Procurement Models
Template No 1: Project Alliance Agreement
Template No 2: Alliance Development Agreement
Template No 3: Expression of Interest
Template No 4: Request for Proposal
During 2009 the Inter-Jurisdictional Alliancing Steering Committee (as it was then known) undertook the first independent research (through Evans & Peck (Brisbane) and Melbourne University) into the value-for-money outcomes achieved in past alliancing contracts and how it can be enhanced in future alliances. (The documentation can be found at: )
In pursuit of additional value - A benchmarking study into alliancing in the Australian public sector, Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria, October 2009

Procurement of goods and services
Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria
Nick led the development of this documentation (and practice) to consolidate the Victorian Government transitioning to a more strategic, data driven and analytical approach in the procurement of goods and services ('strategic sourcing'). The objective remains achieving lower costs with equal or better quality/performance outcomes. These reforms saw the incoming Government of 2006 establish the Government Services Group to fully implement strategic sourcing across the Victorian public sector and set a target of $447M in savings over the four subsequent years.

Strategic Sourcing Policy, State of Victoria (2006)
State Purchase Contracts (SPC) Policy, State of Victoria (2006)
Conduct of Commercial Engagements Policy and Guidelines (“Probity”) (2005)
Good Practice Guidelines: Conduct of Commercial Engagements in Government (2006)
Good Practice Guidelines: Developing a State Purchase Contract Business Case (2006)
Good Practice Guidelines: Category Management (2006)
Practitioners’ Guide to Strategic Procurement (non-SPCs) (2006)
Various standard (template) documentation for procurement contracts, RFTs and EoIs (developed with Corrs Chambers Westgarth)
Partnerships Victoria
Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria (2003)

In response to a few PPP contract failures (in the operational phase), Nick initiated and led the development of a strategic framework representing best practice in the management of long-term public private partnerships contracts (including a 6 day training course accredited by Melbourne University). This same document remained current through to 2016.
Contract Management Policy and Guidelines (2003)
(The document can be found at: )
Business Case development & Investment evaluations
Department of Treasury and Finance, State of Victoria (1996)
Nick co-authored with Sue Dahn this seminal document that for over 15 years was the standard by which major Victorian project proposals were developed, documented and assessed. An associated training program, software model and manual were also produced.
Investment Evaluation Policy and Guidelines (1996)
The document can be found at:


National TAFE Chief Executives Committee, Commonwealth of Australia (1994)
Nick authored this report consisting of recommendations, case studies and findings in relation to joint capital investments made by TAFE institutions and other parties. (Document now out of print.)
Joint Developments in Capital Projects (1994)
Office of the State Training Board, State of Victoria (1992)
Nick directed and worked closely with external consultants, the Australian Construction Services, on this ground breaking project. Approximately 400 pages were produced that comprehensively benchmarked and linked capital resourcing to the delivery of training services. This work also enabled the design and delivery of projects by direct engagement of private sector advisors and contractors in lieu of the then Public Works Department. (Document now out of print.)
Space Guidelines for TAFE Accommodation (3 volumes)

Ministry of Education, State of Victoria (1988)
Nick co-authored with Geoffrey Ellison this major document consisting of policies and guidelines for preparing project briefs that ensured functionally efficient school facilities. (Document now out of print.)
Master Specification (1988)
Ministry of Education, State of Victoria (1987)
The document outlines a process of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) for Victorian government schools. The focus being to identify issues that impact the functional efficiency of new educational facilities, thereby informing planners and designers in developing better standards and designs for future projects. (Document now out of print.)
The Post-Occupancy of Evaluation of Educational Facilities(1987)

Commonwealth Schools Commission,
Commonwealth of Australia (1987)
Nick authored this report consisting of recommendations, case studies and findings on the cost-effectiveness of special purpose capital funds provided to support a major educational program. (Document now out of print.)
Facilities Provided In Support of the Participation and Equity Program (1987)
Occasional Articles
These short articles, hopefully informative, were prepared for general interest among the public service.
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Government News April May 2011 - Mapping the alliance contracting landscape.pdf Size : 6293.772 Kb Type : pdf |
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November 2011 - Contracting models for capital assets - a teaser.pdf Size : 482.441 Kb Type : pdf |
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October 2010 - Infrastructure projects are different.pdf Size : 357.075 Kb Type : pdf |
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Government News November 2005 - Commitment to value.pdf Size : 8915.86 Kb Type : pdf |